
Now I'm in our NTNU's computer classroom again.

Today is Monday.
People hate Monday cause Monday makes them feel in a bad mood due to the oppisite of the happy holidays before.
This is called "Monday Blue" in our society.

But I don't have a Monday Blue today.
However, I have a terrible throat today.
It's not a sore throat cause I don't feel pain during talking.
Actually, it's a "Quiet Throat".
Which means I can not pronounce a word clearly, I have no voice now.

Fortunately my mom made a hot soup for me as my breakfast,
and due to the Panadol, now I can speak a little bit sentences.

Although I don't have a loud and clear voice at the present,
I am still satisfied cause I can still make a little voice come out of my mouth.
Although I didn't bring my umbrella (cause it's broken),
and got a little bit wet of my head in the morning,
I was, and am still satisfied,
on the reason that my mom ride me to school on the motocycle this morning.

I was going to type the meteorology translation in the computer classroom,
but suddently I found out that I didn't bring my textbook with me.
I was going to buy a new PE umbrella at familystore,
but suddently it occured to me that I forgot to bring my money with me.

But things above are still O.K. for me.
I can type the translation after class at 17:00,
and I can bring my bag with me so that when I need to pay for the umbrella,
I strongly believe that I would not be embrassed again.

Cause I'll pay $1000 NT dollars and make the cashier much busier than usual! :-D

People always need satisfacation.
Neverless, it is still quite few people who really knows,
that we can find our happiness only in a small thing, or even happened just behind you.

Things aren't always bad.
Someday and somehow, believe me, it'll turn to a good region and then a perfect ending.


Sorry for that I can only type in English.
The computer I use can't type any Chinese except ㄅ半
But only stupid guy wants to type in ㄅ半
Therefore, I made my mind that I just have to type in English.
Now I've done my job.
Andju'? Have you finished your job, your responsibility, or your obligation?
Nope? Then just Go Ahead :-)
Wish you guys can succeed and have a all-pass grades of the midtern tests.

Love, by Johnson.


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